Saturday, 4 January 2014

Happy New You

Well, here we are in January 2014 and the festive season is well and truly over for another year.  This weekend the decorations will come down and stored back in the loft where this time they hopefully won't be attacked and destroyed by a squirrel (see my partners blog for the full story here).  But I digress.

My last blogpost was in October and since then I have been mad, mad, mad busy at work. I have also been out to Majorca to see my son who was working there and of course then we had the whole Christmas and party season which this year began even earlier; our local town, Leigh-on-Sea, had the Christmas lights going up on November 22nd! December seemed to be a continual round of firm's do's, drinks and excuses for merriment, and all the while I revelled in the fun BUT at the same time maintained a pattern of 1-2 juices a day and, wherever possible, as few carbs as possible. That's what does it for me, you see; carbs. In my younger days when I was fit, active and playing any sport I could, bread, rice, potatoes and pasta would be simply sources of energy that I would store and more than burn off.  However, approaching my 53rd year (think about it - I'm not even really middle aged any more unless I plan to live to 106) the opportunity for calorie burning sport is few and far between and even if I could find the time, the joints ain't what they used to be. The mind says go for it, the body says "You are having a laugh." Even a quick dash across the road means allowing extra time than I used to because either cars have sped up or I am slowing down.

But I digress again. The point is, that up until December 23rd I had maintained this fun and frolics without any weight gain because I had also been semi-sensible by juicing and eating wholefoods with nothing processed in and around all the functions.

And then Christmas Eve arrived, work shut down until the New Year and I actively gave myself the time off from the healthy stuff and just indulged in party food, chocolate, turkey leftovers, alcohol and anything else available, vowing to begin my healthy lifestyle in earnest on Monday, January 6th.  After all, you have to live and enjoy sometimes, don't you?

So it is with some confusion, on January 4th, that I am actually wondering what it was I enjoyed.  To put it bluntly, this year so far I have felt absolutely rubbish. Christmas itself wasn't bad, just a big roast dinner really and not too much drink was consumed but over the last few days, convenience foods have crept back in and the slow build up of continual rich and less than nourishing food is now playing havoc with my digestive system. I have had spots break out on my face for the first time for ages, heartburn has returned, I've put on weight (I haven't dared get on the scales but my clothes are tighter), my sleep pattern is all over the shop meaning I am continually tired and I'm actually thinking "What was that all for, then? How enjoyable actually was that?".

To be honest, I wish I hadn't really bothered as the party food and stuff I had been looking forward to really seems a bad idea.  It's amazing how easily we forget... I had to re-read my blogpost from September (here) to remind myself how bad I felt after doing the original juice fast and went back to regular food for just one weekend.  Well, I'm there again and last night felt absolutely rubbish. I don't think I'll bother with this again... the juices can always stay as there is really nothing great in feeling so sluggish and lethargic.  The good thing is that I know within just a few days I will be back to feeling great again.

So it's Happy New year and hopefully a Happy New Me.  If you haven't tried the juicing, I urge you to do so. Get past the first 4 days and you start to feel really good.  Follow Joe Cross at, plus he is on Twitter (@joethejuicer) and facebook ( so take the plunge.

Make 2014 a Happy New You!