I'm not where I want to be but with various things going on recently and with me disappearing off to Majorca on Tuesday to see my Son for a few days I don't actually want to spend all my time continuously watching what I eat. Therefore I have been pretty darn good from Monday - Thursday but have enjoyed the weekends. Weight loss has slowed up and has been static for the last week, but I was weighed and measured last Wednesday and have lost 5lbs since the previous "proper" weigh and measure two weeks prior but, interestingly, I am now losing inches. My waist and chest combined lost nearly 4 inches in that same period and I have had to buy some new clothes; I had a couple of work suits that were literally hanging off me!
So it seems that everything is settling a bit but I am changing shape and this must now be noticeable as in the last few days I've had several people comment on it and my daughter, who hadn't seen me for a week, said "Oh my God Dad you're well skinny now." Well, quite. Except in medical terms I actually still am classified as morbidly obese so that doesn't actually sit with the "skinny" argument but I knew what she meant, bless her.
I know what the next few days will bring as it's very hard to be super healthy on holiday but when I return it's back to the hard work and then to see if I can lose another stone and a half by Christmas.